Daycare CDC
Now Enrolling!
(806) 763-3212
2323 Broadway

A ministry of First Christian Church
The purpose of the Child Development Center is to provde an early childhood program that allows children to grow and develop as Jesus did - "In wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." Luke 2:52
The Child Development Center uses the "WEE Learn Curriculum Guide" from LifeWay Christian Resources. The purpose of this curriculum is to provide activities designed to meet the needs of the children at their level of development. The curriculum is developed around themes which provde children opportunities to learn about God's world. Activities promote physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual development.
- State Licensed
- 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.\Monday through Friday
- Ages 6 weeks - Pre Kindergarten
- Hot lunch - am/pm snack
- Child Care Services vendor
- Stretch-n-Grow (two years and up)
Nina Anderson - FCC CDC Director
Alicia Garcia - FCC CDC Asst. Director
Marian Giles - Adm. Assistant