
Purpose and Expectations for Weddings at FCC




At First Christian Church, we build marriages. Marriage is a holy covenant that was created by the Father, blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ, and is sustained by the Holy Spirit. Jesus entrusts His Church with officiating Christian marriages under the power of the Holy Spirit. Our responsibility is to guide discerning couples into a moment of reverence to seek the mysterious gift of marriage. Before God and witnesses, the couple exchanges vows and receives the anointing from heaven to live in sacred matrimony.

The Main Sanctuary

at First Christian Church


  1.   Christian Ceremony – All of the weddings officiated at FCC will be Christian in nature. They will acknowledge God the Father, evoke the name of Jesus Christ, and seek the gift of the Holy Spirit. Weddings are an act of Christian worship.
  2.  FCC’s Clergy Presence – One of our clergy/pastors will be present for all weddings at FCC. You may choose to invite one of our pastors to be the head officiant, but that is not expected or required. The presence of our pastoral leadership will allow for use of discretion, support, and prayers on behalf of FCC and the couple seeking to be wed.
  3.  Financial Peace University (Dave Ramsey) – Every couple will be graduates of or enrolled in Dave Ramsey’s FPU. This is a nine-week course that will equip and empower you for your life together. Financial goals and peace will be a great asset to your marriage. While First Christian Church hosts the course often (generally Fall and Spring), it is also offered at various sites, including other churches.
  4. Pre-Martial Counseling – Every couple will meet with our pastoral counselor for a minimum of two sessions. This time is intended to locate any areas that can be sharpened in order for you to have a more prosperous marriage.
  5. Ceremony Planning – If one of our clergy/pastors is officiating your wedding, plan on meeting twice to plan the ceremony.


The Chapel

at First Christian Church


Our Wedding Coordinator is Brenda Stanfield. She is available to answer any logistical questions regarding your ceremony. She will be your “point person” and available to you in person at the wedding rehearsal and throughout the entire day of the wedding. Brenda can be reached at 806-786-4914.


God bless your marriage!