
Worship is all about each of us expressing our trust and gratitude to God, and an openness to receive from His Word. We meet on Sunday mornings to thank God in multiple ways, and we find value in doing this together. Below are some frequently asked questions about our style of worship, especially in reference to our 9:00 AM Traditional Service. Our 11:15 AM Praise and Worship Service also contains many of the church’s traditions, including The Lord’s Supper.

Why do we sing Hymns?

Often people wonder why "classic" churches have songs that are so wordy. Each hymn is written much like a poem. Some are ancient and others were created just a few years ago. The gift that hymns bring to worship is a language rooted in the earliest days of the Church to express our gratitude, confess our need for God, and uplift all of the emotions and complexities of life.

The "Gloria Patri" is sung each week following the Lord's Prayer. This is one of the earliest praise songs after Jesus founded His Church. The "Doxology" is sung after we collect the morning's offering. This too is an ancient song that has been sung to God by Christians for centuries.

Why do the Pastors and Choir wear robes?

The robes are a reminder to the church that those who lead us in worship are supposed to point all of our attention to Christ and not to themselves. Robes are used to cover up much of the leader, so that our attention is on what our worship leaders say and do in the name of Jesus, and not on their clothing or body.

How about my Children?

We encourage families to worship together, but the reality is sometimes kids want to experience their church friends in ways that don't include praying, singing, and listening. All children are invited forward for the Children's Gospel toward the beginning of worship. After that our children either follow our Children’s Pastor to Children’s church, or go and sit with their parents. We love that you brought your kids to church, and hope that you will do whatever is right for your family. You have our full support!

What can I expect from the Sermon?

Rev. Paul Carpenter is our regular preaching pastor. He prefers preaching "sermon series" that connect week to week. Paul quickly recaps the main idea from the sermon the week before for those who weren't present. His sermons are somewhere between 15-20 minutes long and are available on our website. Our Pastor always ends with an invitation to accept Jesus' love for us and to rededicate our lives to him. The final invitation is for our guests to know that First Christian Church would be honored to serve as your faith community.

What is Communion and What do I do?

Communion, also known as the Lord's Supper and the Eucharist, is a reenactment of the last gathering Jesus had with his disciples before he faced the cross. We believe this time of remembrance is central for our growth in faith and for our worship experiences. This symbolic meal is known as a "sacrament" which means that it was given to us by Jesus. We believe its importance and holiness is beyond measure.

Anyone who believes in Jesus is invited to share in Communion. After the Pastor and two Elders lead us in the story of Jesus at the table, the congregation shares the bread and grape juice. In the 9:00 AM Traditional Service the Ushers will serve you in your seats. You are encouraged to spend this time in prayer to God. In the 11:15 AM Praise and Worship Service the congregation is invited forward to receive Communion.

Are you going to ask me for money?

Yes and No. We include a time to return to God part of the finances He has entrusted to our households. Some people give a strict 10% of their resources (which is the biblical concept of a tithe), while others give what they can. Some of us go through times when we can't give, but really need to receive. We encourage all who wish to be followers of Christ to begin this practice of giving as soon as they are able.

How long do we Worship?

On average we worship just about an hour. The rest of the day is intended for you and your family to rest and have fun.